
Things To Bring To Your Bankruptcy Appointment

If you have decided that the best financial decision for you is to file bankruptcy, you will need to make an appointment for a consultation at a local bankruptcy law firm. You will want to be as prepared as possible for that appointment, so make sure that you are taking a little time to go over the following things that you should take with you: Proof Of Your Recent Income Read More 

3 Questions That Come Up During Chapter 13 Bankruptcies

Chapter 13 bankruptcy law in the U.S. is designed to provide relief to debtors. The goal is to give a person a restructured payment plan that will allow them to get their finances on track enough to keep up with existing debts. This is notably different from the Chapter 7 system, where most of a debtor's obligations are canceled in return for liquidating most of their assets to pay creditors. Consequently, there are some serious questions you will be asked if you're planning to go this route. Read More 

Options for Stopping a Foreclosure

If you are having problems with your mortgage lender and are now facing foreclosure because of these problems, you may want to hire a foreclosure attorney. This type of attorney will be able to help you learn your options when facing foreclosure and can possibly help you prevent the foreclosure from occurring. There are three main types of options you might be able to choose from to stop a foreclosure from taking place. Read More 

How Can You Reduce Or Eliminate Your Unsecured Debt?

There are many businesses that advertise heavily with promises of reducing or completely eliminating unsecured debt. This is debt that is not backed by collateral such as a home or a vehicle. Credit cards and personal loans are examples of sources of unsecured debt.  These companies negotiate with your creditors to reduce your principal (the amount you owe) and your interest rate. However, they may also charge exorbitant fees and your credit rating is decimated. Read More 

Faqs About Bankruptcy Exemptions

Exemptions are designed to give you some relief during a bankruptcy. With the help of an exemption, you can keep some of your assets out of your bankruptcy estate and protect them from creditors. If you are planning to file for bankruptcy, here is what you need to know about exemptions.  What Can an Exemption Protect? What an exemption can be used to protect depends on your state's laws. Each state has categories for exemptions and you can only protect assets that fall within those categories. Read More